Date Driven Messages FAQs

Frequently asked questions regarding date driven messages such as reminders, birthday cards, and anniversary cards.

Updated over a week ago

Q: What is a date driven message?

A: A date driven message is a recurring message that checks your list(s) for matching dates. When a matching date is found, your date driven message is sent to that client. Date driven messages run daily.

Q: What types of date driven messages are there?

A: The following types of date driven messages are available: birthday cards, anniversary cards, and select tax reminders.

Q: Do I need to have dates in my lists to use date driven messages?

A: Yes. If you enable a date driven message but do not have any dates in your selected list(s), no matches will be found and no messages will be sent.

Q: I already set up a date driven message and do not have dates in my selected list(s). What can I do?

A: At any time you can update your selected lists to include dates for the date driven message you have set up. Each day at 12:00AM Central Time, your list(s) will be checked for matching dates. This means you can add, edit, or remove dates from your lists at any time.

Q: I want to send appointment reminders. Do I need to add a time or can I just add a date in the Appointment field in my list(s)?

A: For tax and/or appointment reminders, you can enter just a date or a date and time. Date driven reminders will include the date or date and time in your message as per your settings when scheduling the message.

Q: I want to send appointment reminders and have dates in my list(s) but I don't want the dates displayed in the message to my clients.

A: By default, date driven reminders will include text with the Appointment or Custom Date date and time listed for that client. When scheduling your message, you can disable this by checking the "Do not add date/time to my messages" checkbox on the Schedule page.

Q: How will I know if a date driven message has been sent?

A: Each time a date driven message is sent, you will receive a notification email letting you know a message has been scheduled to send. At any time you can log into your account and go to the Date Driven Messages page to review the details of each recipient.

Q: I have set up a date driven reminder message but now I want to change some things in that message. How can I do this?

A: At any time you can edit your date driven messages by clicking the "View date driven messages" button on the main Marketing Resource Center page as shown below.

Q: I set up a date driven message and now want to delete it. If I delete my message, will this break the messages already sent to my clients?

A: No. You can delete any date driven message and any messages already sent will remain unchanged. Each time a date driven message is sent, it uses your settings as a template for a separate message that is sent to your clients.

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